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When I ask Avasilichioaei whether the performance piece or the print versions of this work came first, she explains that the creation of different renditions of the same work often happens simultaneously, and these versions mutually impact one another so that it is ultimately irrelevant which one originated the process.
I must be honest: I was apprehensive about reading Songs for the End of the World. I worried about it being more coronavirus realness than I could handle. Instead, this New Normal we’re living in worked to reduce the tension in the novel.
Forty-five-year-old Margot, who’s “never risked anything greater than a found dollar on a lottery ticket,” has ditched her long-held career as an antique firearms dealer in an attempt to sidestep a midlife crisis.
From the current issue: Summer 2025
Wendy, Master of Art
Wendy’s back, bitches. You know Wendy, right? She’s like an artist? White girl, long hair, always wears black. She used to write that Montreal scene report blog?
François Vigneault is the creator of the sci-fi graphic novel TITAN, which will be released in an updated and revised English edition by Oni Press this fall.
The Benjamenta College of Art
Orwell in Cuba
Graphic Novel
The Unknown
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Home Sickness
from Swelles
Riding the Elephant
Poem of the Month
By Sina Queyras • Read the full poem
I wake up inside my fog, but no matter,
Good morning, Siri, I say, is it raining
in Berlin? Is it snowing in Mile End? Will I
need an umbrella today? Will I need a hat?
How long before a domestic jet pack is possible?
Should I apply sunscreen? Can you tell me